February 28, 2012

Grab Bag #3

* I keep saying I'm going to blog about "The Target Theory" but the research showed that only in the Twin Cities metro area, does it seem to apply. Maybe it's just that there are a lot of good looking women in the area (fact) and well, let's face it, who really likes to shop at fucking Wal-Mart? Their decor is really off-putting to me. And Target has Starbucks, which is awesome.

* Speaking of Starbucks, I like it more than regional giant Caribou Coffee. Ok so maybe the beans arnt as fresh and its not fair trade, corporate juggernaut, Juan Valdez, I don't really fucking care. Frappuchinos are delicious and "Coolers" from the 'Bou just don't cut it.

* While we're still on the subject, you know what else I like with coffee (...besides whisky) Doughnuts. You know what's keeping this state from being pretty badass,
DUNKIN' DONUTS!!! We need some fuckin Dunkin Donuts. This is babyshit. Apparently, the area used to be Krispy Kreme country, then they folded when the carb diet craze hit, still no fucking excuse for the lack of Dunkin Donuts. I want 2 maple and 2 strawberry donuts please.

* So yesterday was the last night of St. Patrick's Day training. This past month has been the hardest drinking month of my life since June 2010. I debated quitting for good at one point, got slightly ill a couple of nights and has been fatigued since the Super Bowl. But I'll be primed and ready for March 17th! My favorite holiday!

* To end on a serious note, yesterday I witnessed the aftermath of a bad car accident involving a drunk lady slamming an SUV into 2 cars and a tree. People, I love drinking like the next person but for fuck's sake: Don't Drink And Drive. Seriously, Its fuckin dangerous.

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