July 4, 2012

It's Complicated

We make things in our lives so complicated, especially when it comes to matters of the heart. We are taught how to think rationally and that can sometimes conflict with our emotional responses.

Sometimes relationships don't work out, not because 2 people didn't love each other, but because the times and situations didn't work for the couple. Sometimes people fall quicker for someone than the other person did, if they even did at all. And sometimes, you can see someone in a different light, and how you feel about them changes and grows into something unexplainable and random.

For any of us who go through this, we as a majority, struggle with these inner feelings because of the fear of getting hurt, hurting someone else, or trying to avoid an ackward situation. 

But the real question is: Which side do we listen to, and when is the right time to do so? The answer for that, well, It's Complicated.

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