March 14, 2012

Sooo excited for St. Pat's Day

March is here. The snow has melted, the air is warm and my favorite holiday is here. March 17th: Saint Patrick's Day. Not many people here in the US know why St.Patrick is celebrated more than any other saint in history. And damn near anyone knows what was so special about a priest who was a former slave in Ireland who found God and used a shamrock in his sermons. No offense, but this snoozefest story isn't why I love this day.

Some of you might know that I am a fan of drinking alcohol from time to time. And with the change of the season and the lack of enforcement of public drinking (something considered illegal the other 364 days of the year) makes this day absolutely spectacular. My favorite kind of booze is irish whiskey. I love the color Green, I have an attraction to redheaded women (usually an irish trait) and the Irish accent is one of the coolest ever (next to the "Chicago Accent" that some say exists. I dunno what exactly that is)

Every year since moving to St. Paul and living near the route for the downtown parade, I have thrown a breakfast party. I wake up around 7am, shower and open up a beer, then proceed to cook for my friends and we drink and eat before going to the parade. While I understand this holiday is mildly religious based (although it's not my observed religion) I feel that having friends together and enjoying a great time on a nice warm day brings great karma and peace to the rest of the year. And I enjoy drinking all day :)

So I'll leave you with my favorite toast:
"Sine metu, Sine amore, Sine dolore"
"Without fear, Without love, Without regrets"

Slainte! Have a safe & awesome St. Patty's Day. And call a fuckin' cab.

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