Here's a Pole Dancer practicing her craft to the awesome Lacuna Coil song "Angel's Punishment" and their Lead Vocalist Cristina Scabbia liked it enough to post it on her Facebook page. It's KSFW (Kinda Safe For Work) Spoiler Alert: She keeps her clothes on.
A clip of a guy pranking his wife into answering the door when the Jehovah's Witness came knocking
This Video of Samuel L. Jackson catching shit on the street about his movie roles from lazy parents
or This Emotional Sports Moment of Yankees Legendary Closer Mariano Riviera's farewell from his last appearance at Yankee Stadium.
Check out this old clip of UFC Fighter Diego Sanchez getting gashed open by a BJ Penn kick to the dome. Pretty sick.
and Last, but not least. This couple driving down the expressway in Chicago while fucking. Yes, you read that correctly.
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