So Friday was quite the awesome day. Had sushi for lunch, Performed in a recital where everyone sounded awesome, Had a ton of fun at the mall and had a great barbeque dinner. And then I did something that I said on here just last year I was gonna stop doing. Go to a house party.
Now this party was fine for the first hour, Great music, tons of booze, solid conversation. I was really enjoying myself. Then this random chick (I've met her before a while back but even I couldn't remember her name) approached me about a Yoga trick to crack your back. Normally, I would walk away and pour another drink, But since I had aggrevated my back about an hour before the party, I accepted the challenge. So Here I am, laying on this floor while this girl is popping my back. A few of my friends want to leave out and so one of them taps me and says that we are leaving, asking if I want to come along. My friend who is a girl, who is there with her boyfriend says quite loudly, "Why is she touching you? we should go now!" At this point, the rage hit me full steam ahead, but with the circumstances and the fact that I was raised well, I told her I'll meet them over there later. Yoga girl overhears this and says "I think your girl is mad at me." I swiftly reply that she is Not my girl and I thanked her for the adjustment.
Now, 20 minutes later, I meet my friend at her place, where most of the party moved and I was welcomed to some cat-call responses of "oooh, did you bang her?" kinda shit. Funny in a slight way, but 1: It was dumb because Yoga girl had a boyfriend, who was there and I was chatting with minutes before this happened. and 2: Now I am completely furious because if she had assumed that this chick was trying to sleep with me then why in the holy fuck would you try to cockblock me by saying some bitch shit like You shouldn't have her touch you. That was not her place and I let her know that (In still a pretty tactful way, I didn't cuss her out like I wanted to)
I have seen my lady friends flirt and hit on some guys I felt weren't right for them or just even slightly sketchy, and unless I felt they were in extreme immediate danger, I would Never go in and cockblock someone for my own selfish thoughts. So for anyone to ever reach in and stop something that I as a grown ass man can make a decision on, angers me to no end. This might seem blown out in proportion, but with the knowledge I have about the said party who felt the need to interfere, it was not only embarassing but utterly uncalled for.