* One of my new addictions online is this food recipe mega-search engine called Foodily. As you all know, I love to cook and try out new recipes and put twists on old classics. if you like to do the same, this site is a must-bookmark in your browser. You can also favorite different recipes, make lists and share them with friends on the site or on Facebook as well.
* One interesting sports story today is 50 Cent apparently filed and received a Boxing Promoter's Licence in New York this week. He is supposedly going to start a promotion company and draw in currently locked up Welterweight Champion Floyd Mayweather to fight arguably, the best fighter of the 21st Century, Manny Pacquiao, in what would easily be called The Fight of The Century. The door gate and Pay-Per-View draw of this event would rival money made in some of the last several Super Bowls and big Box Office movie hits that have been released in the recent times. I will be keeping an ear open on this story, and while a lot of you might not follow boxing (I am a huge boxing fan, and used to do cornerwork in fights after graduating H.S.) It will be a Breaking News story on here if that fight is announced.
* Been following this story about the ongoing trouble Chick-Fil-A has been through. For those of you who don't know, Chick-Fil-A is an awesomely tasty chicken place that is hard to find in the Midwest, but littered throughout the South. They have their "Old Southern Values" such as being closed on Sundays and apparently not supporting Gay Marriage. Let me now state a disclaimer
*DISCLAIMER* Courtside Seats to Hell has no problem with any couples being together or married, Gay, Lesbian, Straight, Whatever. Get Married if you like (Personally, Marriage seems dumb in general, but people do dumb shit all the time)
That being said, now Chicago, Boston, Philly and other cities are about to try and boycott Chick-Fil-A's from being opened in their respective cities. However, disallowing a franchise to open somewhere violates some Constitutional rights. I hope that things can be resolved so that we can just let people have their rights. Gays and Lesbians need their rights to marry, and I could really use a chicken sandwich about now.
* Read a study about the effects of Alcohol mixed with energy drinks of high caffeine (Vodka-Red Bulls and Jager Bombs) Basically telling us that the combo is dangerous and leads to reckless behavior and lots of casual sex. In other news, I have now started buying women more Vodka-Red Bulls at bars. But seriously, these can be tasty combos, you should just drink them in moderation
*One more thing, check out this awesome recipe I found on Foodily that I'll be making all Football Season long.
July 26, 2012
July 25, 2012
I'm not a self-racist, and that stripper's a bitch
So, I am blogging late at night after leaving a strip club for a friend's birthday. I should be telling you an awesome story about hot strippers and blowing cash but I'm writing because I am pissed off and extremely insulted.
I had one long lap dance the whole night. It was amazing. Around 1:45 AM, me and 2 friends briefly left to catch last call at a nearby bar. While it was to no avail, we head back into the strip club and right as I sit down, I am approached by a dancer (who is black) and she rudely states, "Oh, so you must not be into black women?" What makes this such a fucking ignorant comment is that the first girl I conversed with in the club was black and when I wanted to get a dance from her, she was in the back room and was never available. Keep in mind, there are only 5 girls on staff tonight (3 black and 2 white). This stripper goes on to call me an "Uncle Tom" and calls one of my friends's friend a prostitute. At this point, I am completely outraged and I tell the story to one of the bouncers, who has known me since I've started going to this club in 2009.
What kills me about this whole situation is that I have had to deal with simple-minded bullshit like this ever since I was a little kid. When I was 6 years old, I had a crush on a jewish girl and I mock proposed to her with a Ring Pop (She declined, but purchased the ring pop from me for a Quarter) and even then, I remember kids making a comment about me not going after someone "who looks like me."
I get a lot of bullshit for liking things that most black people don't stereotypically enjoy, like Hard Rock music, Hockey, and Cold weather. But one of the things that has always pissed me off is that people feel that I am not attracted to black women because they say that "I've never seen you hang out with any black women" or "You're never hitting on any black women.", I grew up hearing comments in a slightly jestful manner from family like "I could see you marrying a white girl" but they never meant it in a negative connotation, nor was it ever because I disliked a race.
Once again the ignorance is never short of a miscue. I wasn't raised to do certain things or to avoid things based on how few or how many black people were involved. I'm sorry, but I was raised in an era where race was only as big as how someone or the media empathized it. I'm not seen around any black women in Minnesota because a good chunk of the things and places I do and go to, there just aren't any around. I find women of all race attractive. But at the same time, I refuse to feel bad for things that stick out with me. Everyone knows that one big attraction of mine is that I love redheads, especially natural redheads. Now, numbers tell us that Redhead genetics are established from people of Irish or Scottish descent. That eliminates people from all walks of life mostly, not just blacks. But aside from this point, I find women of all races and colors beautiful. Therre are gorgeous women in every race, and there are ugly ones too, and this stripper, for the record, must have interviewed for her spot over the phone.
It sickens me that in 2012, I have to defend myself not from outward racism, but more self-racism than anything else.I don't fucking need to perpetuate any stereotypes and I can do and be with or hang out with or get a fucking lap dance from anyone I want. Like Dr. King preached, I judge by content of charactor, not color of skin. Ergo, I didn't dance with said stripper because she was black, but because she was a total bitch.
July 24, 2012
Bands to Watch: Forever Waiting
So, this is a new segment I'm gonna throw in here and there, Bands to Watch
The band to watch in July and August is a 5-Piece Hard Rock band from Glenwood City, Wisconsin called Forever Waiting
Fans of Red and Breaking Benjamin should really enjoy this group, they are busy playing some big shows in the Twin Cities area, Currently in the Rawkzilla Battle of the Bands and also opening for Trapt at Station 4 on August 12. For more info on FW, check them out on Facebook.
Check out their debut single,
"Lost in Silence" HERE
Like Forever Waiting on Facebook HERE

Cosmo: Funny read, but really?
So, I'm pretty old school in the sense that I like to still read and subscribe to magazines. I recently signed up to GQ and Esquire, and as a promo, I'm getting Redbook, Wired and Cosmo.
I always read Cosmo sporadically, back when I used to get my hair cut at the same salon my Mom went to, and then on the lobby tables outside my Dad's office. It seemed like a boring read when I was a child, but over time, I realised that a lot of women read this and look to this mag for a ton of advice. Eventually, I saw this more as a glance into the playbook of a woman, if you will.
But if you really read some of the shit that they write in here, it's not super bright advice or wisdom. (like Esquire , for example, is basically the Older Brother I never had) A lot of the things they claim men like or want from a woman is absolute bullshit. And I've had several female friends say that a lot of these tips are garbage as well.
Case in point, half of the relationship tips in here are common sense things that no one (magazine or person) should have to tell you, and the other half is stuff that is only true to such a small number of people that it's hardly worth mentioning. Don't waste your time and cash on this mag, just pay more attention to what's going on around you and you'll figure it out. Hopefully...
I always read Cosmo sporadically, back when I used to get my hair cut at the same salon my Mom went to, and then on the lobby tables outside my Dad's office. It seemed like a boring read when I was a child, but over time, I realised that a lot of women read this and look to this mag for a ton of advice. Eventually, I saw this more as a glance into the playbook of a woman, if you will.
But if you really read some of the shit that they write in here, it's not super bright advice or wisdom. (like Esquire , for example, is basically the Older Brother I never had) A lot of the things they claim men like or want from a woman is absolute bullshit. And I've had several female friends say that a lot of these tips are garbage as well.
Case in point, half of the relationship tips in here are common sense things that no one (magazine or person) should have to tell you, and the other half is stuff that is only true to such a small number of people that it's hardly worth mentioning. Don't waste your time and cash on this mag, just pay more attention to what's going on around you and you'll figure it out. Hopefully...
July 20, 2012
Are. You. Fucking. Kidding. Me?
Prayers and Thoughts going out to all of those affected in Colorado.
There is NO Fucking reason why this should have happened, when and where this happened. It is an absolute tragedy
It made me think of this song.
"How could you be so full of hate, to take away somebody's life?"
Again, Keep the victims & families in your thoughts.
Prayers and Thoughts going out to all of those affected in Colorado.
There is NO Fucking reason why this should have happened, when and where this happened. It is an absolute tragedy
It made me think of this song.
"How could you be so full of hate, to take away somebody's life?"
Again, Keep the victims & families in your thoughts.
July 18, 2012
New Look, New Stuff, Same Old Hell
*Hey, hope you guys like the new look of the page. Wanted to change it up just a 'lil bit.
*I'm gonna start doing some new feature segments in the upcoming months. One new segment will be a Mailbag. I want to talk about what the people want to hear about (sometimes) and so people can E-Mail me questions, comments and/or ideas to my e-mail
And once a month, I will answer as many questions as i can on here in a post.
*Another new segment starting this fall will be The Betting Window. Every Friday Night this football season, I will post my College & Pro betting picks on here, and toss in some game previews here and there. Also, for all you tailgaters and foodies, I will have some weekend recipes in there as well.
That is all. Carry on.
July 13, 2012
Courtside Seats to Hell Presents FOOTBALL DAYS 2012
So with Summer winding down in the next several weeks, NFL and College Football teams are hitting the field and working out, getting ready for combat on the gridiron this fall.
While usually I disappear from people during football season the last several years, this year I have charted out a plan of throwing a season-long set of Bar Crawls and House Party viewings to watch the games this season. We also have some possible Tailgate road trips to Chicago and Minneapolis planned
So, without further ado, here's the first half tentative viewing party schedule:
NOTE: Times and Bars Subject to Change, and Bars listed at TBD will be updated soon
Courtside Seats to Hell presents the 2012 Football Tailgate + Party Days
Friday Aug 24th - Bears vs Giants @ Alary's
Thurs Aug 30th - Kickoff Party @ Chateau
Sat Sept 1st - Kickoff Party @ Chateau
Wed Sep 5th - NFL Kickoff (Cowboys-Giants @ Kelly's Bar)
Sat Sept 8th -
Nebraska @ Tom Reid's - Night
Sun Sept 9th -
Bears vs Colts @ Alary's - Day
Steelers vs Broncos @ McGovern's - Night
Thur Sept 13th -
Bears-Packers @ Chateau - Night
Sat Sept 15th - Tailgate in Chicago for Northwestern-Boston College
Sun Sept 16th - Off Day
Thurs Sept 20th - Panthers @ TBD? - Night
Sat Sept 22nd - Kansas vs NIU @ Tiffany's
Sun Sept 23rd - Bears @ Alary's
Sat Sept 29th -
Bar Spot for Gophers-Iowa - Day
Sun Sept 30th - Party @ Chateau
Mon Oct 1st - Bears vs Cowboys @ Alary's - Night
Sat Oct 6th - Miami vs Notre Dame @ Bar TBD
Sun Oct 7th - Bears vs Jaguars @ Alary's - Day
Sun Oct 7th - Bears vs Jaguars @ Alary's - Day
Thurs Oct 11th - Steelers @ McGovern's - Night
Sat Oct 13th - Homecoming Tailgate - Minnesota vs Northwestern
Sun Oct 14th - Packers vs Texans @ Gabe's?
Mon Oct 15th - Broncos vs Chargers @ TBD??
Sat Oct 20th - Nebraska @ Tom Reid's
Sun Oct 21st -
Vikings vs Arizona @ TBD - Day
Steelers vs Cincinnati @ McGovern's - Night
Mon Oct 22nd - Bears vs Detroit @ Alary's
Thurs Oct 25th - Vikings vs Tampa Bay - Tailgate at Dome???
Sat Oct 27th - Party @ Chateau
Sun Oct 28th -
Bears vs Panthers @ Alary's - Day
Broncos vs Saints @ TBD - Night
Sat Nov 3rd - Tailgate @ TCF for Gophers-Michigan???
Sun Nov 4th - Bears @ Alary's
Wed Nov 7th - Bowling Green-Ohio at ABB
Sat Nov 10th - Party @ Chateau
Sun Nov 11th - Bears @ Alary's - Night
Mon Nov 12th - Steelers @ McGovern's
...More Dates to be Added Later in the Season
July 9, 2012
Adultism: Age is nothing but a number
Adultocracy: The social convention which defines "maturity" and "immaturity," placing adults in a dominant position over young people, both theoretically and practically. - (from Wikipedia)
Ever since childhood, I have dealt with ageism. Mainly because of the fact that I didn't not have the "normal" childhood. I didn't watch cartoons on saturday morning, I watched news and college football. My dad is a doctor, so laying around on the floor of our house would be copies of the New England Journal of Medicine, which at a young age, I was reading and comprehending with no issue. I could have probably gone on to become a doctor before even having to shave my face, but my mom made the smart and logical decision to not have me skip grades and develop social interaction with kids my age. (Plus, I hated blood as a child, thus didn't want to be in the medical field)
(Sidenote: My mom is 57 and my dad is 74.)
I grew up with old parents and I was an only child. This lead to a lot of summer days indoors and great reports from first hand accounts of Vietnam and the Civil Rights Movement. However, this made interacting with children my age extremely hard. My favorite movies growing up were the James Bond films (for some reason I liked Roger Moore a bit more than Sean Connery) Try being 6 years old talking to a kid about how awesome "Moonraker" was. It's like catching bees with chopsticks in the dark.
Throughout the years, this became more and more difficult and as I am now 23 years and 1 month old, I still deal with Ageism, but from two different angles.
Most of my friends are older, between the ages of 25-34. I tend to connect with older individuals, mainly because I, too, enjoy nice fitting suits, wearing a timepiece, drinking well-aged whiskey and understanding the cultural appeal of TV shows such as The Sopranos and Sex and the City.
Even with this, I try my best not to alienate my "age box" of 18-23, but as I enter the cusp of changing boxes, it gets harder to connect to the masses that tune into The Jersey Shore, and think that Skrillex and LMFAO are the kings of dance music (that's just a sick thought, no matter how old you are)
What kills me more than anything else is when I'm talking with someone older, and they ask how old I am. I'll say 23, and they'll reply with something like "Oh, you're so young" or the ultra-condescending "You're just a baby" Correction: I'm a grown ass fucking man. I have my own apartment, my own full time job, hell I fucking Paid Out in taxes last year, tell me how many 23 year olds did that. Call me a baby again, and I'll tell you to stick your hands out so we can see how old you are.
It's very disrespectful to have this stigma of the fact that I'm young, that I have to be like most my age. Get to know me and you will see that I'm not like others my age, and there are plenty of young people who actually know things and have their shit together, just like I know a ton of old-ass people that have never been shit and never will be shit.
Ageism is assumption in its rawest form, and to assume is hazardous. A life lesson you'd think some would learn at a younger age, eh?
Ever since childhood, I have dealt with ageism. Mainly because of the fact that I didn't not have the "normal" childhood. I didn't watch cartoons on saturday morning, I watched news and college football. My dad is a doctor, so laying around on the floor of our house would be copies of the New England Journal of Medicine, which at a young age, I was reading and comprehending with no issue. I could have probably gone on to become a doctor before even having to shave my face, but my mom made the smart and logical decision to not have me skip grades and develop social interaction with kids my age. (Plus, I hated blood as a child, thus didn't want to be in the medical field)
(Sidenote: My mom is 57 and my dad is 74.)
I grew up with old parents and I was an only child. This lead to a lot of summer days indoors and great reports from first hand accounts of Vietnam and the Civil Rights Movement. However, this made interacting with children my age extremely hard. My favorite movies growing up were the James Bond films (for some reason I liked Roger Moore a bit more than Sean Connery) Try being 6 years old talking to a kid about how awesome "Moonraker" was. It's like catching bees with chopsticks in the dark.
Throughout the years, this became more and more difficult and as I am now 23 years and 1 month old, I still deal with Ageism, but from two different angles.
Most of my friends are older, between the ages of 25-34. I tend to connect with older individuals, mainly because I, too, enjoy nice fitting suits, wearing a timepiece, drinking well-aged whiskey and understanding the cultural appeal of TV shows such as The Sopranos and Sex and the City.
Even with this, I try my best not to alienate my "age box" of 18-23, but as I enter the cusp of changing boxes, it gets harder to connect to the masses that tune into The Jersey Shore, and think that Skrillex and LMFAO are the kings of dance music (that's just a sick thought, no matter how old you are)
What kills me more than anything else is when I'm talking with someone older, and they ask how old I am. I'll say 23, and they'll reply with something like "Oh, you're so young" or the ultra-condescending "You're just a baby" Correction: I'm a grown ass fucking man. I have my own apartment, my own full time job, hell I fucking Paid Out in taxes last year, tell me how many 23 year olds did that. Call me a baby again, and I'll tell you to stick your hands out so we can see how old you are.
It's very disrespectful to have this stigma of the fact that I'm young, that I have to be like most my age. Get to know me and you will see that I'm not like others my age, and there are plenty of young people who actually know things and have their shit together, just like I know a ton of old-ass people that have never been shit and never will be shit.
Ageism is assumption in its rawest form, and to assume is hazardous. A life lesson you'd think some would learn at a younger age, eh?
July 4, 2012
It's Complicated
We make things in our lives so complicated, especially when it comes to matters of the heart. We are taught how to think rationally and that can sometimes conflict with our emotional responses.
Sometimes relationships don't work out, not because 2 people didn't love each other, but because the times and situations didn't work for the couple. Sometimes people fall quicker for someone than the other person did, if they even did at all. And sometimes, you can see someone in a different light, and how you feel about them changes and grows into something unexplainable and random.
For any of us who go through this, we as a majority, struggle with these inner feelings because of the fear of getting hurt, hurting someone else, or trying to avoid an ackward situation.
But the real question is: Which side do we listen to, and when is the right time to do so? The answer for that, well, It's Complicated.
Sometimes relationships don't work out, not because 2 people didn't love each other, but because the times and situations didn't work for the couple. Sometimes people fall quicker for someone than the other person did, if they even did at all. And sometimes, you can see someone in a different light, and how you feel about them changes and grows into something unexplainable and random.
For any of us who go through this, we as a majority, struggle with these inner feelings because of the fear of getting hurt, hurting someone else, or trying to avoid an ackward situation.
But the real question is: Which side do we listen to, and when is the right time to do so? The answer for that, well, It's Complicated.
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